The July 5 & 6 Tri-Region event at Pocono (Double NARRC, Double NJRRS, and Pro-IT) is a big event in Tri-Region’s plan to return to putting on SCCA Regionals at Pocono. We have a long history of hosting Regional races there and only switched to PDXs three years ago to avoid conflicting with Regional races at other SCCA tracks in NEDiv scheduled for the same weekend Pocono made available to us. All of our PDXs lost significant money despite a major effort promoting and advertising these events and assistance from PDA.

Tri-Region is committed to a strong SCCA racing program at Pocono and is currently operating with a very good relationship with Pocono management. We hope to host at least one SCCA Regional weekend as well as a National weekend there for the foreseeable future and are very eager to be regular participants in the NARRC and new NJRRS series.

The loss of our NARRC/NJRRS event July 5 & 6 would be a critical blow to our plans. We have already written a check to Pocono committing to our 2008 events and are well along in planning the Double Regional.

I hope our fellow racing regions in NEDiv will think about the future when considering your Regional racing plans for this year. We have an approved SCCA road course at Pocono that is not going to be turned into a private club and expect to be racing there for many years to come.

George Bloeser
Tri-Region Chairman